Saturday, February 19, 2011

Support System

I've been having a pity party for myself all week. The Boston Athletic Association has made major revisions to its qualifying times and registration procedures--RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY TRAINING CYCLE! While I wasn't expecting to BQ (shorthand for Boston Qualify) at the Shamrock Marathon, I was hoping to do it by the Steamtown Marathon in October. The new procedures let the fastest runners sign up first, which means that even if I BQ, since I would only do so by a slender margin, I would likely not be able to register. They also changed the qualifying times to take effect in September, which interferes with my hopes of qualifying in October. When I heard about these changes, I felt as though the wind was knocked out of my sails. As a result, my running motivation flagged. I got slower and even missed a 5-miler. I also started wondering if maybe my goal to BQ was too ambitious in the first place.

Fortunately, I have an incredible support system to help me deal with setbacks. Friends and family gave me great advice, such as asking me why I wanted to run in the first place. My husband made me breakfast in bed and let me sleep in. My mom told me that I'm allowed to have a pity party for one day before coming up with a plan B. My support system helped give me perspective and to keep me moving despite the minor hurdle. And it didn't hurt that we have raised nearly $1200 in the first two weeks of fundraising! The success of this fundraiser is testament to the amazing family friends that we have in our lives.

Having a support system is especially important for someone suffering for a chronic illness. My setback pales in comparison with the ones that my mom faces. The love and support that you all share by being a part of this help make me feel stronger, and I know that they help her, too.


  1. You are doing a FANTASTIC job! Don't let a setback get in the way of your ultimate goal. You've come too far to give it up now! You just have to believe that things will work out for the best. Keep it up lady!

  2. Thanks, Sarah! I love your running song recommendations, btw! I think of you when they play!
