Friday, February 25, 2011


The weekly report is in from Guthy-Jackson. Drumroll, please....


With the over $200 raised by Tulaloo, we have once again met our goal. So the only thing to do now is to raise the goal, right? Can we do $2000? I think so!

It's amazing how generous people can be, but honestly, I'm not surprised. My mom is an amazing woman who has touched many lives. I know that donors are responding to her model of generosity and compassion. Please consider making a donation to this cause if you haven't had a chance to do so. We're only three weeks away from the big day, and my legs are itching to go the distance! I have the last and longest long run on Sunday--20 miles! With your support, those miles are going to fly by. (Do I sound like NPR yet?)

In case you forgot, here's how:

There are two ways to donate to the Foundation. One is through a written check mailed directly to the Foundation at All Greater Good Foundation, 8910 University Center Lane, Suite 725, San Diego, CA, 92122. The other is to visit the website at and to make a donation through PayPal. Be sure to write a note or memo letting them know that the donation is in honor of Patti Lellock, so that we know how much money we have raised. I myself have donated online, and it is easy and secure.

You can also support the cause by purchasing notecards from Tulaloo at All proceeds between now and March 20th will be donated to Guthy-Jackson.

1 comment:

  1. you are AMAZING! glad it's not too late to donate! :)

    also, a song you should add to your playlist (say around mile 20-ish) is Athena Cage's, "Live you dreams"--it's from the Save the Last Dance soundtrack (cheesy, i know). That song has been SUCH a huge pick-up song when I'm feeling low/tired/like-i-want-to-quit during runs. Good luck for the 20 miler this Sunday!!
